Default Server Config Print

  • 0

This is a working server config. NOTE: Please check for updates.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Info Options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
hostname "[AU] ADFTEAM.COM | Servers" // server name
rcon_password "CHANGEME" // rcon password
sv_password "" // Server password for private servers
sv_minrate 30000 // recommended minimum rate

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Download Options (Community made maps)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// sv_downloadurl "<type-url-here>"
// sv_allowdownload 1
// sv_allowupload 1

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Logging Options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
log on
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Game Mode Options (Change text with in the quotes)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// "mapcycle.txt" - by default this contains the most popular options
// "mapcycle_all.txt" - all possible map/mode combinations for PvP
// "mapcycle_ambush.txt" - only ambush (VIP) mode
// "mapcycle_attackdefend.txt" - mix of attack/defend modes
// "mapcycle_cooperative.txt" - checkpoint, outpost, hunt
// "mapcycle_firefight.txt" - all firefight maps
// "mapcycle_flashpoint.txt" - all flashpoint maps
// "mapcycle_infiltrate.txt" - all infiltrate (CTF) maps
// "mapcycle_objrespawn.txt" - all modes featuring respawning for completing objectives
// "mapcycle_occupy.txt" - all occupy maps
// "mapcycle_push.txt" - all push maps
// "mapcycle_singlelife.txt" - mix of all single life modes
// "mapcycle_skirmish.txt" - all skirmish maps
// "mapcycle_workshop.txt" - used by Workshop system
//mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"
"mapcyclefile" "mapcycle_tactical_operation.txt" // "tactical operation" mapcycle - firefight, vip, search and destroy
"mp_friendlyfire" "1" // friendly fire
"mp_tkpunish" "1" // How to punish team killing ( 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = kill )
"sv_hud_deathmessages" "0" // death messages
"sv_hud_scoreboard_show_kd" "1" // show k:d on scoreboard
"sv_hud_targetindicator" "1" // show friendly player names when looking at them
"mp_timer_pregame" "10" // timer for the pre-game (before the game starts, usually after map change or on mp_restartgame 1)
"mp_timer_preround" "15" // timer for the pre-round (before the round starts, usually after a previous round ends or on mp_restartround 1)
"mp_timer_postround" "15" // timer for the post-round (after the round starts)
"mp_timer_postgame" "21" // timer for the post-game (at the end of a game / map rotation)
"ins_bot_quota" "0" // if set higher than 0, the server will add this many bots to each team
"sv_deadvoice" "0" // enabling this will allow the dead and living to VOIP each other
"sv_deadchat" "0" // enabling this will allow the dead and living to chat text each other
"sv_deadchat_team" "1" // is deadchat limited to just your team?

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Enabling Matchmaking (Change text with in the quotes)
// More info:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// "pvp" (Player vs Player)
// "custom" (Custom rules and modded servers)
// "coop" (Cooperative)
sv_playlist pvp

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