This currently is not supported yet but we have a way to do it.
Do the following.
Take a Copy of your WORLD.db and WORLD.fwl no need for the WORLD.db.old or WORLD.fwl.old as they are backups.
Goto the website
Enter the name valXXXX
XXXX Should be replaced by your clanhost Service ID for example val1541
Choose the copy of your WORLD.fwl file and Click Rename World Metadata.
This will now download a file called valXXXX.fwl FTP this file to the /Saves/worlds directory of your server.
Next just rename WORLD.db to valXXXX.db and also FTP the file to the /Saves/worlds directory of your server.
So now you should have for example val1541.fwl and val1541.db sitting on the server.
Then Start up your server.